Elgin West (847) 888-4220 | Elgin East (847) 741-6880 | Huntley (847) 659-1181 | Algonquin (847) 658-6130 |
The Centers are open twelve months of the year, Monday through Friday, with the exception of:
* The center will be closed on the day before if it falls on a Saturday or the day after if it falls on a Sunday.
Payment is required as registered regardless of holiday schedules. The Learning Tree benefits its staff with paid holidays.
My ProCare is an online portal that you may use to make payments, print out statements or adjust your phone numbers, addresses and emergency contacts. You can go to www.myprocare.com and log in with the email address that you have given to us upon registration. You will then be allowed to create your own password.
Tuition Express is what we use to process automatic ACH and credit card payments. You may fill out a Tuition Express application if you would like us to automatically withdrawal your payments on Mondays from your savings/checking accounts or a credit card. Credit and debit cards will automatically be charged a 2.5% processing fee. Tuition Express forms are included in your registrations packet. Forms can also be found on a clipboard at the check in computer station near the front door.
All children, birth to 5 years of age, are screened annually using a valid and reliable screening tool such as Ages and Stages. Parents will be informed of the results of screening. Children identified in the screening process as needing further assessment will be referred to specialists for evaluation. The ASQ application will be emailed out twice a year and they will also be in your child’s enrollment papers along with Welcome Packets when they move to new classrooms. Please see a director if you need another copy.
Teachers will be compiling portfolios for each child that will be used as an assessment tool showing their academic and social/emotional growth. Parent/teacher conferences will be offered two times per year.